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Where Classic Literature and Needlework Are Sewn Together
Hosted by Sapphire Mountain Handcrafts


Fabric Size Calculation
stitch count ÷ fabric count = size of design on fabric in inches
98 stitches ÷ 14 count = 7 inches
Widths and heights must be calculated separately.
After the size of the design has been determined, you must add a margin for the fabric so as not to be stitching to the edge. 2 inch margins are standard but you may wish to add more.
To add a 2 inch margin:
design size + 4 inches = fabric size needed in inches
7 inches + 4 inches = 11 inches
Widths and heights must be calculated separately.
Inches to Centimeters
inches X 2.54 = centimeters
7 inches X 2.54 = 17.78 centimeters

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